Since I was little, I have always loved the American Girl books. The American Girl books are actually based upon the American Girl Dolls, which I have 5 of. They each have their own story and time period they come from. From Kaya, a Nez Perce Indian in 1764, to Julie, a flower child in 1974, these books are just great. I like these books, because you get to know what a certain period of time is like through a 10-year-old girl's point of view. I also like how independent and confident all these girls are. Doing things like making petitions saying that girls can play basketball too, and helping their families through the Great Depression. And here is one of my favorite parts: each book has a Looking Back page, with a little bit about America in that time period. These books are not very long, either. Each one is about 80-90 pages long, so they good not only for older girls, but for girls that are newer at reading too. So I recommend these books for ages 7-10.
I love the American girl series
Hi Grace, my name is Toni Wardlaw from Clemson University. I am a senior here and have the pleasure of having Dr. Washington as one of my professors. She told us about you and all of your accomplishments. I wanted to ask if you had any recommendations for my field placement students, they are 5th graders. My email is twardla@clemson.edu
I posted under the American Girls becaue I absolutely loved those books growing up, Addy was my favorite. I look forward to hearing from you.
I love those!!
I love Addy, and Felicity. My favorite timeframes are Addy's, Felicity's, Julie's, Samantha's, and Kit's!
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